Case Studies

Providing Timely Talent Solutions During Peak Production Periods

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Case Study Contents

Doherty Staffing Solutions (Doherty) offers a wide range of customizable employment solutions to meet each companyโ€™s hiring needs, whether itโ€™s helping with large-volume temporary staffing, payrolling your contingent workforce, or finding the right professional to complete your team. We work alongside human resources managers, leadership team members, and other hiring professionals within your organization to ensure an efficient and timely process.

This workforce success story highlights how Doherty successfully utilized our employment expertise to implement a quick and efficient workforce solution for a packaging manufacturing company in Minnesota.


This company is a mid-size packaging manufacturer located in rural Minnesota. Doherty Staffing Solutions (Doherty) helped to implement a quick and efficient contingent workforce solution at an urgent time for this manufacturing facilityโ€™s peak production season.


This facility urgently needed multiple temporary employees to start as soon as possible to fulfill a huge order influx for one of their largest clients. They were scrambling to find the adequate staff with the right skills necessary for this short-term production assignment.


Doherty was able to go above and beyond expectations by providing the facility with the requested number of candidates in less than 1 business day, leveraging a group of proven workers who were coming off of previous assignments and were immediately available. Our Doherty representative met with the HR team on a Friday and swiftly coordinated with staffing teams for workers to be ready for their assignments at the new facility starting at 6 AM the following Monday.

Our regional understanding of the talent landscape and local community connections enhanced our ability to meet the immediate needs of this facility. Our Staffing Specialists exceptionally managed the candidate waitlist and ensured a seamless process for our workers and the facility.

We created a customized program that guaranteed the availability of quality workers, effectively coming to the rescue at the right time. To expedite the hiring process, we omitted conducting new interviews and relied on our thorough talent selection process. This successful outcome was a combined result of our staffing teamโ€™s great efforts and close collaboration with our contacts at the manufacturing facility.


By working with Doherty, this facility was able to access our pool of qualified and readily available workers. We were in the right place at the right time, and our ability to reassign talent who were ready to work was beneficial not only for the client but also for those individuals who were open to temporary job opportunities.

For this company, utilizing our contingent labor workforce model for short-term projects proved to be highly advantageous. This approach offered cost savings and flexibility, as there were no hiring or termination involved for temporary workers.

Our efficient and effective solution provided value to both the facility and the candidates involved, demonstrating the benefits of partnering with a locally trusted staffing agency with community-based knowledge and partnerships.


Key results include the placement of all requested candidates in less than 1 business day and a mutually positive impact for companies and employees.


As illustrated in this workforce success story, Doherty is familiar with the challenges of finding talent quickly to support peak production periods and knows how to apply our 40+ years of employment expertise to craft a custom solution that can work for your business.

Are you ready for workforce solutions that work? Partner with The Employment Experts for strategic staffing programs that get results.

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Doherty has been recognized for providing innovative employment solutions throughout the Midwest since 1980. Let us bring our expertise to work for you.